Open Enrollment Now Available
Click HERE to access our Open Enrollment packet.
 Open Enrollment Registration is February 3 through March 28

Superintendent’s Office

It is with great anticipation and excitement that the staff of McDonald Local Schools welcomes students and families to the 2023-2024 school year.  We know that your school year will be full of academic success and social development.

The school system is the foundation for a strong and caring community, and that certainly rings true here in McDonald.  This foundation can be strengthened through communication and cooperation from the school and the residents of “Ohio’s Finest Village”.  This partnership will allow our students to thrive, not only while in school, but also as they grow into the leaders of tomorrow.

With the recognition of the uniqueness of every student, McDonald Local Schools is committed to meeting individual needs of our children through a balanced curriculum, and a safe learning environment.  We will look to foster creativity, provide modern technology, as well as set the expectations that will allow our students to thrive.

The faculty and staff of McDonald Local Schools look forward to a partnership that will enable you and your family to make this a most productive school year.



Kevin O’Connell

Superintendent, McDonald Local Schools
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