Strategic Plan

   Slogan / Motto:  “The Place To Be”
Mission Statement: The McDonald Local School District is committed to the pursuit of academic excellence, to inspire productive citizenship, and to empower lifelong learning for every student.

Guiding Principles:

1. We believe that high expectations inspire high performance and continuous improvement.
2. We will educate, engage, and enrich every student every day to grow academically, personally, and civically.
3. We believe in a safe learning environment that fosters critical thinking, effective communication, and in the mission to prepare         students for college and career readiness. 


Goal 1: Ensure academic excellence and equity for every student

Strategy 1: Ensure that the curricula that is taught is aligned vertically and horizontally to Ohio’s Learning Standards.
Initiative / Objectives:

A.            District will construct grade level curriculum maps aligned with the Ohio Learning Standards

B.            District will implement collaborative professional development opportunities to ensure horizontal and vertical alignment

C.            Maximize use of time for instruction: Every minute counts

Strategy 2: Commit to early education as the foundation for future academic success       
 Initiative / Objectives:

A.            Further develop and align city, state, and federal partnerships to enhance kindergarten readiness

B.            Strengthen early intervention strategies for literacy

Strategy 3: Elevate professional practice by investing in effective responsive teachers, staff, and leaders 
Initiative / Objectives:

A.            Fully implement Professional Growth and Evaluation systems for teachers and leaders based on multiple measures,                            including student growth

B.            Recruit, develop and retain an effective, competent, and diverse workforce of teachers, staff, and leaders to better meet                     the needs of our student population

C.           Recognize and reward highly effective teachers and school leaders by expanding career ladder positions in schools

D.           Build infrastructure and processes to support innovation within schools, grade levels, departments, and throughout the                     organization

Goal 2: Promote student citizenship by strengthening

school, family, and community engagement

Strategy 1:  Take advantage of social and print media to inform the community and parents of ongoing events and activities.         
Initiative / Objectives:

A.            Develop and curate an online social media presence on a variety of platforms including Twitter, Facebook, the school                          website, and School House newsletter

Strategy 2:  Allow students to develop communication strategies and promote student ownership by highlighting successes and opportunities.
        Initiative / Objectives:

A.            Students will participate in various multimodal activities including web design, digital management, video production,                      and print

B.            Students will develop and maintain a school website and newspaper. In the future, students will also develop video news                    broadcasting

Strategy 3:  Promote a culture that encourages student organizations to serve their community.          
 Initiative / Objectives:

A.            Create a variety of engaging and educational field trips (fire/police stations, courthouse, library, etc.) to supplement                            Ohio’s learning standards

B.            Encourage student organizations (NHS, student council, Kindness Committee, Big-Brothers Big- Sisters, etc.…) to                                collaborate with community groups


Goal 3: Encourage lifelong learning for college and career readiness

Strategy 1: Build partnerships among students, families, staff, career and technical centers, higher education, early learning, and the community to support academic success.
 Initiative / Objectives:

A.            Review, modify, and implement the school family and community partnerships with the school district

B.            Strengthen and build upon strategic partnerships with community, civic, business, and faith based organizations who                          have demonstrated positive impacts on student outcomes


Goal 4: Provide a Safe, Productive Learning Environment

Strategy 1: Provide a physically and emotionally safe and inclusive learning and work environment in support of continuous improvement     
 Initiative/ Objectives:

A.            Provide ongoing training for all staff and students in order to provide a safe and inclusive learning and work environment

B.            Implement school-based safety improvement practices

C.           Provide high-quality, ongoing professional development for school-based intervention teams to improve safety and                              security


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