Open Enrollment Now Available
Click HERE to access our Open Enrollment packet.
 Open Enrollment Registration is February 3 through March 28


Chelsey Palmer, RN, BSN, LSN

District Nurse

PH:   330-530-8051 Ext. 2006 (Roosevelt)

         330-530-8051 Ext. 1140 (High School)

FAX: 330-530-7033 (Roosevelt)

         330-530-7034 (High School)


School Nurse Information for Parents

Please be sure to notify Mrs. Palmer if any information changes for your child during the school year. This includes contact information, medical condition changes, changes/additions/deletions in medication, etc. Up to date information is critical for us to have in case of emergency.

In accordance with state mandates, we will conduct vision and hearing screenings throughout the year. Grades who will have their vision screened include K,1,3,5,7,9, and 11. Grades who will have their hearing screened include K,1,3,5,9, and 11.

If there is any reason why you do not want your child to be screened, please contact Mrs. Palmer at the contact information shown above. 




Required Immunizations for School Aged Children - click here

Required Immunizations for College Students - click here 


Immunization Exemption Form - click here

New Immunization Requirements for all 7th and 12th grade students:

The Ohio Department of Health has new requirements: incoming 7th grade students must have a tdap booster and meningitis vaccine (mcv4) by the first day of school and incoming 12th grade students must have 2 doses of meningitis vaccine (mcv4) by the first day of school **if your child received this vaccine on or after their 16th birthday, a second dose will not be required.


Please be sure to discuss this with your child’s pediatrician to determine what vaccines will be needed before the start of the school year.   An updated immunization record must be provided to the clinic before the 1st day of school with the required vaccines. If records are not received by 14 days after the child begins school, they will be exempt from returning per Board Policy until the proper documentation is received.

Please contact Mrs. Palmer in the Clinic if you have any questions or concerns.  Immunization records can be faxed to the school at the number shown above once the vaccines are completed.

Head Lice: McDonald Local School District  has a No Nit Policy.  If your child has been identified with nits/lice, they will be sent home and will not be permitted on the bus until the school nurse has cleared them to return to class.  Please see the attached information on Lice:  Head Lice Info - click here & Treatment for Lice - click here 


Medications:  If your child requires medication to be administered during school hours, please complete the appropriate form provided below. Please be aware that students are not permitted to carry or deliver any medications during school hours, only rescue inhalers, Epipens, and diabetic medications are allowed.  Parents are responsible for delivery of the medication to the school in its original container, clearly labeled with the student’s name and date of birth. Medication will only be accepted by the Clinic.

Forms:  Health Forms are required to be submitted to the nurse EACH YEAR



Seizure Action Plan:

Food Allergy and Insect Sting Anaphylaxis Action Plan

Accommodations for Special Dietary Needs

Diabetes Management Plan (all forms must be completed)

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